
Maryland March for Life to Hold Annual March in Annapolis
The Maryland March for Life will hold its annual march on Monday, March 11, 2024 starting at 4:30PM. The March for Life will begin from St. Mary’s Church at 109 Gloucester Street, Annapolis. A Youth Rally and Catholic and Non-Denominational services will be held prior to the march. As is the cherished tradition by many who have attended the march for years, free Chik Fil-A sandwiches will be offered to registered attendees.
Keynote speakers at the Rally near Lawyers Mall include Ryan Bomberger of the Radiance Foundation and Laura Bogley, Executive Director of Maryland Right to Life.
For decades pro-life advocates have attended the Maryland March for Life to stand for the sanctity of Life and to voice their opposition to extreme pro-abortion legislation and tax-payer abortion funding in Maryland, where abortion through birth is state law. This year, attendees, who are expected to number in the thousands, will march in opposition to the deadly so-called Right to “Reproductive Freedom” constitutional amendment. This NARAL endorsed model legislation was defeated no less than three times before it was finally pushed through in the 2023 Maryland General Assembly. The amendment will be a ballot question, with vague and misleading language in the November of 2024 election.
While the term “Reproductive Freedom” is yet undefined, the amendment most notably would:
Enshrine the right to abortion through birth into the Maryland State Constitution. There are now three all trimester (late term) abortion facilities in Maryland.
Be used to suppress pro-life speech and action in the state, putting pregnancy centers at risk.
Bar any future attempts to pass lifesaving legislation such as a partial birth abortion or dismemberment bans.
AND….Bill sponsors have stated that the amendment includes new rights that may include commercial uses of human embryos and transgender rights including the use of puberty blocking drugs and surgical mutilation of genitalia - even among children, without parental consent.
Sponsors of the Maryland March for Life include: Maryland Right to Life, Maryland Coalition for Life, Students for Life, Knights of Columbus, Maryland Family Institute, Wellspring Life Ministry, Jewish Pro-Life Foundation, Charles County Right to Life, & St. Louis Parish and the Peroutka Family.
Maryland March for Life Praises SCOTUS decision on Dobbs vs. Jackson Women's Health
ANNAPOLIS— Maryland March for Life (MMFL), a coalition of pro-life leaders throughout the state of Maryland, enthusiastically praised the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Dobbs v. Jackson overruling the egregious 1973 Roe v. Wade decision. Today's monumental decision will bring the fight more fiercely back home to Maryland.
"We thank the pro-life advocates throughout this country for their tireless work over the past 50 years. Today we honor the mothers and fathers who have chosen life during the era of Roe and grieve with parents who felt pressured into abortion by a society which so easily casts aside the most vulnerable among us. But we cannot forget that tomorrow in Maryland, abortions can and will be committed through the ninth month of pregnancy. The pursuit of a pro-life Maryland is just beginning," said Therese Hessler, president of the Board of Maryland March for Life.
The court held that the Constitution of the United States does not confer a right to abortion and that Roe vs. Wade and Casey vs. Planned Parenthood arrogated a states' right to regulate the practice. The prior cases have been overruled and the decision is rightfully returned to the states where the people may decide through their representatives. We stand ready to continue our advocacy in Annapolis to stop the expansion of abortion, support our pro-life pregnancy centers, and change hearts and minds toward a culture that respects the dignity of all human life.
Maryland March for Life thanks our coalition partners, whose leadership is represented on our Board and Steering Committee, namely Maryland Coalition for Life, Maryland Right to Life, Students for Life of America, Wellspring Ministry/Pregnancy Clinic, the Archdioceses of Baltimore and Washington, and the tireless citizen advocates on our committee. We dedicate this victory to our recently deceased Board Member, Tom Hurd, who went to his eternal reward on June 8.
Founded in the 1970s by Art Sawyer, Maryland March for Life has hosted an annual march and rally in Maryland's Capital for 43 years. In 2010, the Steering Committee incorporated the organization as a 501(c)(4) - Maryland March for Life, Inc. The Board of Directors and Steering Committee represent a host of pro-life organizations throughout the state.